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Provision of essential and life-saving psychosocial and protection services for women and children affected by the earthquakes in Paktika and Khost provinces. | Details

Start Date: 2022-09-19
End Date: 2022-12-18
Field: Protection
Implementation Location: Spera districts of Khost Province, and Giyan, Barmal, Nika, and Ziruk districts of Paktika province

The proposed project will address the immediate GBV needs of the earthquake-affected population including men, women, girls, and boys in the Barmal, Ziruk, Nika, and Giyan districts of Paktika and Spera districts of Khost province. The proposed activities in this project will directly contribute to GBV sub-cluster objectives for the earthquake response. Provision of Mental Health and Psychosocial services for vulnerable people particularly women and girls, GBV case management and referral services, awareness raising and community sensitization on GBV prevention, and distribution of dignity kits are the main activities within this project.