+ 93 (0) 202 233 526


Mental Health and Psycho-Social Services (MHPSS)

According to the definition of health by the World Health Organization, mental and social well-being are the essential parts of health and the overall health status of individuals are affected on a large scale by the social and economic conditions of societies particularly in low and medium income countries. The importances of Mental and Psychosocial Services in the emergency situations are manifold and it is necessary to take serious measures in this regard in order to maintain and improve the sound health of communities. The mental health problems that people experience in these conditions affect their lives and cause serious lasting destructive effects on people's well-beings.

Pchycosocial Services for Children

Today’s Afghanistan Conciliation Trust (TACT) with its dedicated PSS team members are working hard to provide MHPSS services for the affected and vulnerable communities such as IDPs, Cross Border Returnees, Children, Women and People with Disabilities in Afghanistan. Provision of MHPSS services is an integral part of all TACT’s ongoing projects in Nuristan, Paktika, Khost, Paktia, Logar, Daykundi, Nangarhar, Badkshan and Kabul provinces. TACT strongly believes that Psychosocial Counseling is not enough to resolve the psychosocial problems of communities and a more integrated strategy is needed to address these problems. Thus for, TACT with the cooperation and support of donor organizations tries to address the psychosocial and mental health problems of vulnerable communities by the integration of metal health services in the education and health sectors, conducting vocational trainings, Sports, recreation activities and amusement for children are vital and similarly providing access to livelihood, business development of micro and small enterprises for women and families who are in bad economic conditions are deemed to be much effective alongside PSS services. Therefore, TACT has been running a well equipped Women Business Center for many years through which the center provides various capacity building trainings such as business development, entrepreneurship, production of handicrafts, food processing, husbandry, beekeeping, confectionaries, poultry for women and mobile repairing, plumbing, solar system setting etc.
TACT believes that mental health is a human right and it is the responsibility of all actors to provide best services to the affected communities and uphold this rights of human beings.