Capacity building training in Mushroom cultivation and literacy courses for 100 vulnerable women in Badakhshan province | Details

Start Date: 2022-01-01
End Date: 2022-12-30
Funded By: terre des hommes
Field: Literacy and Caltivation
Implementation Location: Faizabad of Badakhshan Province
Distribution of Mushrooms Cultivation Kits and Completion of One Year Literacy and Mushrooms (cultivation, production, processing and sales) trainings project in Faizabad of Badakhshan Province:
Today’s Afghanistan Conciliation Trust (TACT) Organization in partnership with terre des hommes have successfully accomplished a project on (Strengthening the capacity of 100 family-headed women affected by the Corona virus, unemployment and hardship) in Badakhshan province, started from 01/01/2022 to 30/12/2022
In this project, 100 women received literacy courses and 50 of them received (cultivation, production, processing and sales of Mushrooms) meaningful trainings along with extensive PSS services for around one year, for access to livelihood.